Focus On


Annual Reception at the Royal Palace

Annually, H.M. the King of Spain receives the accredited ambassadors with the occasion of the New Year. These include the Ambassador of the Sovereign Order of Malta to Spain Jean-Marie…

International news


Munich Security Conference:  Sovereign Order of Malta promotes debate on stability in Lebanon

Today, under the aegis of the 61st Munich Security Conference, the high-level side event organized by the Sovereign Order of Malta entitled “Cairos or Crisis? Unwinding Lebanon’s Path to Stability…


Grand Master at Palazzo Borromeo for Lateran Pacts Anniversary

The Grand Master of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta, Fra’ John Dunlap, took part in the celebrations for the 96th anniversary of the Lateran Pacts at Palazzo Borromeo, seat…


Order of Malta at Munich Security Conference with high level event on Lebanon’s path to stability and peace

‘Cairos or Crisis? Unwinding Lebanon’s Path to Stability and Peace’ is the title and theme of the high-level side event organized by the Sovereign Order of Malta within the 61st…